
Posts Tagged ‘National Dog Day’

National Zoey Day is here!

In Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 30, 2015 at 5:30 am

National Dog Day was on Wednesday, but National Zoey Day is every day.


Because I need love and attention and my picture to be taken every day. I need to be seen and acknowledged, not just on one day, but all days of the year.

I, therefore, declare Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 National Zoey the Cute Dog Year. In other words, every year is National Zoey Year.


Have a nice day.

And, just so you can pay me some more attention, here are a few cute photos of me, Darling Zoey the Dachshund.

I am really cute, don't you think!

I am really cute, don’t you think!

Here is some more of my cuteness.

Here is some more of my cuteness.

I am holding a cute pose as I look out the window.

I am holding a cute pose as I look out the window.