
Archive for December, 2015|Monthly archive page

Dog blogger’s year in review

In All About Me, Being Cute, Dog Blogger, Treating Your Dog Well on December 27, 2015 at 7:56 pm

ZoeyChristmas-2I like the end of the year, because my birthday is on Dec. 20—I turned seven—and I get lots of presents then and on Christmas.

Using my paws and teeth, I rip off the wrapping paper to find treats, toys and doggie teddy bears. My BFF Shelley always takes a video of me having fun, which lasts about two minutes as I get to the prize.

I also like the end of the year because I can be reflective and think ahead at the same time. I blogged nearly every week in 2015—and in fact have been blogging since 2011—about my life as a cute dachshund, sharing stories and photos to demonstrate the fact.

I blogged about being both a dog blogger and a canine poet able to write poems from a dog’s perspective.

I wrote about dog behavior and what dogs need and want from their owners. I wrote about how pet owners—I call mine my BFF—need to let us know how much we mean to them, pay attention to us (like all of the time) and give us lots of treats (even healthy ones).

I explained the elements of responsible pet ownership, while telling really interesting stories from my own life.

And I wrote about cats, even though most of them don’t like me too much. I like cats, birds, geese and anything else in the animal kingdom, but not dogs, at least those larger than me. I bark at them, and they look at me as if I’m silly, so I bark again, while also wiggling my tail. I can’t tell if I want to be friends or not. That’s why cats are safer; they’re not keen on dogs, and I can just pretend they are.

In 2016, I’ll continue blogging about the dog life, my life and how best to love on and care for your pet dog (or cat, or other animal). I may be taking off the month of January from blogging, because my BFF will be recovering from surgery, and I need to give her some love and attention after all that she’s done for me.ZoeyChristmas 2013-1.jpg

Dogs and the holidays

In A Dog's Need for Attention, Being Cute, Best friends on December 20, 2015 at 11:30 am


I’m winter ready in my bow and jacket.

I love the holidays because my BFF Shelley takes me out to the dog-friendly shopping malls. I get to be carried inside the store, where I can see all of the sale items.

Being carried is advantageous when you’re a long-haired miniature dachshund with short legs.

What I see and smell is all low to the ground. I want the apex of vantage points to search out potential dog lovers, so that when they see me, they remark on my cuteness and want to pet me.

I want to be able to see everything from the human eye level to the ground, instead of relying on my sense of smell and knowledge of feet and shoes. That’s because my two aims in life are finding, eating and getting food (a top priority) and, second, getting attention. Attention results in petting sessions, playtime and cuddles.

Attention also reminds me that I’m cute and as the cutest dachshund this side of the Mississippi, I need the occasional reminder. That way I never doubt my state of cuteness and remain confident at all times. I think we all need to hear positive feedback, whether we’re human or a dog or a cat. (Yep, I like cats because they’re my size and potential friends – sometimes; I just don’t get why some cats don’t like dogs and get all hissy about it.)

A dog’s need for attention

In Cute Dachshunds, Cute Dogs, Dog Blogger on December 13, 2015 at 11:30 am

I wish my BFF Shelley would stop going on and on about National Novel Writing Month, where she spent lots of time in November paying attention to her writing more than to me.

Anyway, I’m feeling a bit pouty, so I thought I’d just post some photos instead.


Here I’m getting ready to take a nap on two pillows! I’m pouting a little as I seek attention.


Here’s a close-up of me before taking the same nap. I am so, so cute! And I need attention!


I’m cute when I’m sleeping. And needing attention, still!