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National Zoey Day is here!

In Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 30, 2015 at 5:30 am

National Dog Day was on Wednesday, but National Zoey Day is every day.


Because I need love and attention and my picture to be taken every day. I need to be seen and acknowledged, not just on one day, but all days of the year.

I, therefore, declare Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 National Zoey the Cute Dog Year. In other words, every year is National Zoey Year.


Have a nice day.

And, just so you can pay me some more attention, here are a few cute photos of me, Darling Zoey the Dachshund.

I am really cute, don't you think!

I am really cute, don’t you think!

Here is some more of my cuteness.

Here is some more of my cuteness.

I am holding a cute pose as I look out the window.

I am holding a cute pose as I look out the window.

Zoey the dog blogger would like some attention (please!)

In Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 23, 2015 at 1:05 am

I am very good at writing blogs. Now I just need some readers!

I am very good at writing blogs. Now I just need some readers!

I noticed no one really reads my blog. It’s probably because I’m a dog, and dog bloggers aren’t as common as people bloggers.

I don’t know what to do about it. Should I keep writing, because I like to write about the world around me (particularly smells and sounds—and I do love to bark!), or should I focus on running around the outdoors sniffing and sorting the components of everything I smell? Should I live contextually out in the world, or textually within the text of what I create?

Should I do this, this writing?

I don’t know. I would like a Like or two or three to let me know that there’s meaning in what I do. An audience, someone to hear my utterances.

Photos of a very cute dachshund named Zoey

In Cute Dogs, Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 16, 2015 at 11:30 am

I would like to share some photos of cute, darling, adorable, pretty, beautiful me.

Hello there. I am very cute, don't you think?

Hello there. I am very cute, don’t you think?

Hi again! I'm cute here, too, in my pajamas, though my expression is a bit grumpy. You see, I don't really like to have clothes on, because I'm a dog.

Hi again! I’m cute here, too, in my pajamas, though my expression is a bit grumpy. You see, I don’t really like to have clothes on, because I’m a dog.

Hello, hello, hello. See how cute I am? Now you should pet and love me!

Hello, hello, hello. See how cute I am? Now you should pet and love me!

On Being a Cute Dog

In Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 9, 2015 at 11:30 am

I may only weigh 10 pounds, but I got an image and reputation that is nearly infinite.

Call me Zoey. Ask for my paw print. And take my photograph.

I walk the green grass (my version of the Red Carpet).

A very cute miniature long-haired dachshund, I am known by name by strangers and dog lovers alike. If only there were “Dogs, Weekly,” or “Dogs” (instead of “Us, Weekly,” and “People”), then my mug shot would be worldwide, instead of just here on Fourth Street.

My BFF Shelley reported to me that while I waited outside her favorite coffee shop a couple of weeks ago, she meet a friend of a friend, and that friend said, “So, that’s the Zoey?”

“You’ve heard about her?” Shelley asked.

The friend of a friend said that he had and went outside to meet me.

The thing is I have an image.

People want to pet me, even to the point of lining up at my table. They know my name before they know Shelley’s. And they ask Shelley to take my photograph.

My image, in part, results from my own hard work. I’m full-time friendly and wag my tail, inviting passersby to stop to pet me. I search up and down the street, eyeing potential petters of me.

It helps that I have a very darling face (as reported by others, because I don’t look in a mirror very often, because I just know and don’t need reminders).

In fact, I have star quality and am the lead in a few videos.

Here are two examples that demonstrate how cute I am as the CEO of Cuteness, so named by my large fan club of admirers.

How can you resist this face?

How can you resist this face?

Here is some more cuteness.

Here is some more cuteness.

Starving Artists (and Dogs!)

In Shelley and Zoey, Shelley Widhalm on August 2, 2015 at 11:30 am

I am so cute sitting on a window ledge.

I am so cute sitting on a window ledge.

My co-writer and BFF Shelley is kind of feeling sorry for herself this week because she’s a starving writer.

I want to remind her that I’m starving. I’m starving for treats and yummy table food.

Please feed me. Then I’ll be well-fed artist and dog.

See Shelley’s blog at https://shelleywidhalm.wordpress.com/?p=1039